I tried these stalls at Henry's Depot on Sunday. The first replaces Current. It moved where the burger one was. The second replaced Taglish. I think the pizza place was under a new name. Git n Messy replaced another. Hot dog one?
Sweet & Salty Island Grindz - Hawaiian. I tried a spam and spicy spam musubi. Both $4. Ok. They offer up a typical menu. That one with the egg and burger. Pork. Prices in mid teens. Opened in Feb.
Yuguri Ramen Project - I tried the chicken karaage for $10. Ok. Some dry. Some stringy. Some ok. Fried to order. Timed. He said these and gyoza, edamame and okonomiyake were not from scratch. Focus on ramen. I think they were vegan. Around four types. $16. He said he worked at Sushi Pop and Kabooki. Opened here in Nov? I may go back for the ramen.
*Travel Notes - Guyana: I flew AA to Miami to Georgetown for $576. Late into Miami. Flight back was five hours late the day before because crew hourly overage. Only flight of the day. Mine left on time. Miami to Orlando was delayed two hours because late crew and pilots. They left us on tarmac for three hours because it was breezy. Then back to gate because crew was over allowed work time.. Then I rented car and drove home at 9pm because I had another flight the next day. They didn't rebook until 9pm the next night. Total screw ups. Stayed at Brandsville Suites for $235 for three nights. Taxi was $33 each way. Saw Stabroek Market and St George's Cathedral and Court House. Terrible country. Next to nothing to do. A taste of Africa in SA. They have done nothing for themselves since England left. Now Exxon has found oil and did all the work for them and they are bitching about being exploited. That the money is going for infrastructure. There are some waterfalls and pretty territory in the south. Not utilized. Beaches left as is as well. All I saw them hauling was sand. Glad it is off the list. It has been a while since I was this glad to leave. I was having heart palpitations at the thought of getting stuck here. Barely left the hotel room. Ate canned tuna and cookies and tortillas I brought. Hot and rainy too.