Thursday, September 7, 2023

PB & G Tutorial

I invented the peanut butter and gummy sandwich. You nuke (20 seconds) some gummies on some substance like a tortilla. Add pb. Done. Can you believe I ran out of jelly? It isn't great. Too sticky.  A full portion probably clogs the digestive tract. I also contemplated a pb and t. Tootsie roll. Didn't try it yet. 

I also bought this Mexican meat in a roll (like cookie dough). $1.50 on sale at Winn Dixie. 9 oz or so. You can make 3 or 4 meals out of this. They had pork or beef. I did tacos with a third of a can of black beans (75 cents) one night. Rice (pouch) at $2.29 for four and a third of cup of black beans another night. And with a fifth of a box of macaroni ($1.25 a box) on another. You really don't need other seasoning for any of these.

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