Monday, April 30, 2012

Central Florida Hospital Tutorial

All the rumors and warnings are true. If you have to go to the emergency room because you have no insurance or worse because walk in clinics and doctors aren't capable of treating your affliction, you are going to be paying a premium for all the people who get treatment and don't pay. Like how it works in higher education. I had a recent (imagined) scare with the Tetanus virus and had not had a tetanus shot recently and didn't go for one right after the injury. As a result, I would have needed a Tetanus Immuno Globulin shot to correct it. Here is what I learned about the local hospital networks and what you can expect if you find yourself in a similar situation.

1. If you ask for pricing upfront you will be looked at as if you are a lunatic. You may encounter a few people who just will not give you any information. You may have to try a couple of times before you get any. And then, they will "forget" to tell you about other charges, give you wrong figures or misrepresent facts. I will list the prices I was quoted herein.

2. Don't accept any "free evaluations". They will just put you in the queue and then charge you for a full visit. Nothing these guys do is free unless you stiff them. No wonder so many do.

3. Not for profit hospitals are cheaper.

4. You will not get a thorough exam. They (not the one I eventually went to) will just try and line you up with an expensive treatment. I don't know if it is to make money or to cover their asses.

5. They will side with their own in any billing disputes.

6. They give discounts if you pay upon release.

My first stop was at Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford. I thought it might be nice to swing some money into an impoverished area where maybe the prices would reflect the community's ability to pay. Big mistake. They were the biggest thieves. When I called, they said a Level 2 visit (which was what it sounded like I needed) would cost $195 with a 75% discount on the $200 shot Probaly just a booster not the cure I was asking about). When I arrived there, they had a sign that said there was a $451 triage fee. That's a fee you have to pay to get your temperature and blood pressure checked. You have to go through that just to see a doctor. I was going to leave and try other routes when they suggested I ask for a "free" evaluation. Against better judgement, I decided to see what it was all about. I, eventually, saw a doctor. A greedy, little milquetoast Asian wimp who immediately diagnosed me as having Tetanus (I didn't) after asking we four questions. When I informed him (I had informed no less than four people in each step (triage, data entry, admittance, nurse) that this was just a "free" evaluation and I had to think about it, he said "no" he had given me his medical opinion and I was on the hook for the full amount. I asked to talk to someone else and (I think) they sided with me and aren't going to charge me. However, I'm still waiting for a bill to arrive. The worst part is I felt I would be trapped there once I was admitted. They abuse their station more than flight attendants.

My second step was to go home and see if clinics or doctors could give me this shot. I tried some clinics before this. They can't. It's very rare I guess. I even called the Seminole County Health Department (after some kind advice by a clinic assistant). They couldn't give the shot either, but, it sounded like this is the place to go if you need shots (cheapest).

My third step was to try two other hospitals that were initially reluctant to give out pricing info. I had better luck this time around. They were cheaper, although they seemed like better hospitals. Florida Hospital in Altamonte charged in two layers (Hospital and Doctor). Level 1 was $217 for H and $117 for D. With their 75% H and 50% D discount , it would be $112. They said no triage fee, but, I didn't go there so I don't no if that was accurate. Level 2 was $304 H and $227 D for a total of $190 with discount. Level 3 was $698 H and $347 D for a total of $347 with discount. They didn't say if shots were discounted. I then called South Seminole Hospital in Longwood (ORMC). They said they had a 65% discount on ALL fees if you self-pay. They even said that you didn't have to pay the bill right after and could still get the discount if you went on a payment plan. The triage fee was $75, but, it would be subtracted against the hospital fee if a doctor saw you. Level 1 was $205 ($71 with discount). Level 2 was $337 ($118 with discount). Level 3 was $527 ($184 with discount). Sounded the best.

My fourth step was to go to South Seminole. Wisely, I asked for confirmation that they had the shot before they admitted me. They didn't, but, their sister hospital downtown did and they charged the same. BTW - I was told they had the shot over the phone. This was a much cleaner hospital btw.

My fifth step was to confirm with that hospital that they had the shot and if the fees were the same (they weren't) here as in Longwood. They did tell me the cost of the shot - $885 ($309 with 65% discount).

My sixth step was to go to Orlando Health (ORMC) downtown and admit myself. My imagination was playing tricks on me and I didn't want to risk the serious complications being wrong on this could bring. Everything went great there. I was admitted. I didn't wait to long. It wasncharge was $337. I pointed it out to the kid and he went to check. first, they said I was right, but, their software wasn't operating correctly so I couldn't get it. I said BS. He checked again and now said that the discount didn't apply to the doctor's portion. I'm not sure if it was a computer issue they couldn't or wouldn't deal with or bad info about the discounting, but, I paid the bill because he said I would forfeit the discount if I didn't pay then. I'll take it up with Amex.

So, there you have it. Some of what you can expect if you ever need emergency room care. Pray you don't have to. It's a quagmire. I feel fine. I can't imagine what would have happened if I listened to that first retard. I would have been fleeced and given something I didn't need.


Central Florida Regional has since sent me a bill for the 'free evaluation".

A company other than ORMC sent me a new bill for over $800 ($362 with some discount) for the doctor's fees. It seems ORMC "outsources" the doctor's in their hospital and "Emergency Physicians Fees" do not include those charges. I'm not sure if they consider their nurse or maybe the intern a "physician". This extra layer was never disclosed when I asked about pricing. I am currently disputing all of the charges and now know why nobody pays the ER.

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