Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jitney by August Wilson, SSC

I saw this play about a Pittsburgh taxi service last night at Seminole State College on 17-92 in Sanford. It cost $10 (cash). They are doing all of his plays and this makes 3 out 5 (of 10) that I have seen. The actors aren't polished but they get the job done. The set was fine. It's never sold out so you can just show up. The theater is intimate. It's about 3 hours with intermission in 2 acts. You just might see a flying bat for no extra charge. Trust me. The quality of acting isn't much better on Broadway (let alone the traveling companies) these days and the theaters are so large they need mics. Plus it costs an arm and a leg. These regional productions get the job done and are right in your backyard. You know you aren't actually going to read them, so get in your car and get out of your rut. You can only take so much Paul Blart before you turn to jello.

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