Thursday, November 3, 2011

Panchos, Orlando

I sampled a few treats at this Cuban Bakery and Deli on 436 on my way home from the airport last Thursday. I had an empanada with ham, turkey slivers and cheese for $3 and change. It was tasty and came in a shell that was more popover than empanada. I also had some kind of Baba au Rhum (a soaked cupcake). I can't recall what they call it. It was cold and tasted like diluted syrup water. Not very appealing. I also had a pastry filled with cream cheese. Also can not recall the name. It was a bit rich. I believe it may have been coated with powdered sugar. Jet lag. I finished off with what I think was called a Torrejas. I've been searching online for these items, but, can't track them down. It was basically a fried strip of French Toast twisted and covered with cinnamon and sugar. It was tasty. All pastries were under $1. The place has seating (30). It's more clean than I was expecting. It doesn't appear that you will get jacked or harassed by a cholo if you pop in. It has a decent assortment of snacks and meals. Try it if you are in the area.

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