Saturday, September 24, 2016

George's Gourmet Cookies, Winter Park

I went here yesterday because of an article in Orlando Weekly that said this mall was an underrated food haven. I won't get into that, but, they were right about this little cookie place across from Bubbalou's. I had an oatmeal raisin cookie for $3.50. And before you start in, I thought that a bit much for one cookie as well. However, it's really two or three cookies. Of excellent pedigree. They pile the dough up so that it is almost a cupcake or a cruller. Then they drizzled icing over it like a danish or cinnamon roll. The outside was crusty. The inside was moist. Tons of walnuts (possibly pecans though I think the former). Plump raisins. Like the old man in the Bush's Baked Bean Cocina Latina commercial purrs "Smells deleeshowsh". Tastes delicious in this case. And I could care a less about sweets. The disappointing thing was that they only had three choices (out of six) available. Maybe the cookie monster beat me there. Ten points for cookie monster reference! C'mon. You just got a little happier thinking about that crack addict. They also serve a full lunch menu (so much for honesty/accuracy in advertising). I'm not sure why they don't acknowledge that. The pricing was pretty high. Maybe they are embarrassed? All sandwiches were north of $10. $10.50 for egg salad. The "specialty" sandwiches start $12 for a veggie. You do get two sides with all sandwiches. I'm not sure what they consist of since they were not on the menu. The place seats about twenty in and twenty out. The decor is pure old lady chic. You may call it Rodham-esque. I might be called on to suck it up for a lunch there, but, I really recommend the cookies. They have been serving there for two years. The menu says "est. 1989", so, I'll guess that Georgie Boy has been an owner/operator somewhere since that date. He was "in house" making food if that has any implications. Look for the strip mall on Lee Rd and 17-92/N.Orange.

1 comment:

evan said...

Sandwiches are gigantic and most all breads are house made. Sides are usually on a sign on the counter and change daily.

Definitely on the high side, but fair for what you get.