Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Eurydice, SSC

I saw this play by Sarah Ruhl on Friday night at 7:30 pm. It's a retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus (his song wins his dead love's liberation) from Eurydice's perspective. The theme is now supposed to revolve around her relationship with her father as she replaces her love for him with that of her lover. It's not very poignant or thought provoking. It was probably chosen because the author is a woman and we have to have diversity or the earth will tilt on its axis. And since her most familiar play deals with masturbation, they settled on this. Old enough to beat the drum for a quasi-Electra story, but not old enough to handle a story about playing with your dingaling. Ah, campus politics. In any case, the run is over so you'll have to see it elsewhere. The acting was ok. The older actors were predictably better and more assertive. The young woman playing Eurydice seemed a little unsure and out of place among the adults. Her diction and presence was ok, but, she seemed like she was reciting lines instead of acting. Most of the actors seemed to be playing to the rafters (the audience was sparse), so, maybe they director wanted that kind of detached musing. The stagecraft was effective. They used some planks, an elevator door, string and some drapery to dress three locations (apartment, Earth and Hades). It was worth the $10, but, the impact was what one should expect when they shoehorn in inferior material under the guise of progress. 

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