Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pub Crawl - Sanford: Sanford Ave Bar, Wops Hops and Buster's

I went here last night to try the new Sanford Brewing Company (opened last week). However, they didn't have their beer ready. The said come back in five weeks. We'll see. I decided to check out these places because one was new and one moved and one was good and I hadn't gone there nearly enough.

Wops Hops: A tried a flight of six and had a glass of a maple bacon ale. All were great. The gamut from kolch to porter. They are killing it.

Sanford Ave Bar (maybe Tavern): They took over the Buster's space a week ago. They said that the selections will increase as they settle in. I still like that spot and its garage doors.

Buster's: They moved down the street into a bigger place. It was jammed with a crowd that reminded me of the Hollerboch (bach?) crowd. They only had two bartenders and it was impossible to get their attention, so, I left. This iteration is kind of cheezy. There were kids running around and they had arcade games. A band of middle age men were pouring out oldies. A real let down. Now it is Dave and Buster's.

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