Saturday, March 27, 2010

Universal Studios

Islands of Adventure was a joke. The Neptune ride is becoming ancient enough to be a real relic. It's so boring and amateurish. Most restaurants were shuttered (ie Jurassic Park's and the one in Marvel Comics Land). Looks like they've been closed a while. Really helps the fantasy. The flume at Jurassic Park had non-working dinosaurs. Harry Potter has caused Deuling Dragons to be offline. I reiterate that this addition will be colossally underwhelming. The BMX bike show was closed.

Universal was better but still not 100%. They finally had Disaster back on line. It's lame. The RV selling dipping dots was finally open. The Horror Cafe and Gardens of Allah restaurant were still closed. The mechanical donkey from Shrek was closed.

It's amazing that they don't even consider giving you a discount when they can't deliver what they sell in a commercial. No wonder revenue is down so dramatically. But, of course it's the economy not their product (the refrain of every non-performing CEO).

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